Where to begin?
Did You Know…?
Imbalances can present themselves as far back as in the womb? When asked for a past medical history, we often go back as far as someone can remember. It is often a surprise for a patient to discover they have lived with imbalances for much longer than one would have expected. This is normal. It is common for many of us to learn to live with some of the more subtle imbalances because we have never been told what to look for, or what an imbalance feels and looks like.
Did You Know…?
Did You Know…?
1. Sanchaya (Accumulation)
The doshas begin to accumulate in their respective sites in the body. This stage often shows mild symptoms.
2. Prakopa (Aggravation)
The accumulated doshas become aggravated and start to spread throughout the body, moving beyond their usual sites.
3. Prasara (Overflow)
The aggravated doshas spread throughout the body, moving beyond their usual sites.
4. Sthana Samshraya (Deposition/Localization)
5. Vyakti (Manifestation)
6. Bheda (Differentiation/Complication)
Did You Know…?
During your initial consultation, please bring with you a list of herbal supplements, vitamins and/or pharmaceuticals you may currently be taking. It is important to us here at Sacred Life Ayurveda, that any pharmaceuticals one is currently taking are cross-referenced to ensure there are not any negative drug/herb interactions.
We have made your health and well-being our life’s work. We believe our efforts at Sacred Life Ayurveda are well, just that, sacred. We believe there are karmic implications with each life we interact with, and we value the trust you give us. It is truly our honor to sit with you and guide you on your path to healing. Begin here. (schedule consultation).